Wow, I gotta say, flying at 1am is a massive downer. Not only is the airport totally depressing at that time, but it’s near impossible falling asleep on a big plane like that full of crying babies and what not. The stop in Calgary ended up being over two hours, which kind of sucked. I tried sleeping off and on, but I wasn’t very successful.
But anyways, I’m here, and it’s hot! I haven’t found any wireless yet, so I actually paid for internet service in their little internet cafe here. So I don’t have access to my mail right now (if you’ve mailed me something, I probably won’t get ...
I’m a big fan of naps. In the summer, I love nothing more than passing out on the couch with a book, and sleeping passively with the sound of a lawnmower churning off somewhere in the distance. In the winter, I sometimes turn the fireplace on in the early evening and close my eyes on the couch. I don’t sleep long usually. 30 minutes sometimes, maybe an hour. Usually just long enough for the world to slowly dissolve into a dream. And in that brief moment when I wake up, sometimes it briefly feels like I’m in another place, or another time in my life. I’m often reminded how the smell of ...
In a little over 24 hours, I’ll be heading into Vancouver with my friend Tony, ultimately ending up at Vancouver International for a flight to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. This will not only be the first vacation that’s ever been longer than one week, but it’ll also be the first time really since March where I’ll have had a full week to basically kick my feet up and relax. While the last few weeks have been a bit light in terms of work, Dale and I have been going pretty much non-stop all of this last year, even working part of Christmas at the start of the year. That’s why this ...
I actually woke up last night and thought things were shaking a bit, but thought it was due to the wind. Turns out several earthquakes struck off the coast of British Columbia last night, the largest one being a 6.6 on the Richter scale. I’ve actually experienced a few earthquakes now, one in the lower mainland when I was about 17 years old, and another one when I was visiting Tokyo (which was a bit scary, given that I was on the 37th floor or something and my cell phone was bouncing around on the table due to the quake).
Anyways, you can read more about it here. ...
First off, Seattle was a lot of fun, and it was great seeing Dave and Lauren tie the knot. The ceremony was really well done, and the venue was spectacular. I had a really great time there with my friend Lynn and everyone else we met on the dance floor. I haven’t been all suited up in a while, so it was nice to dress up for a change. The Alexis Hotel fireplace suite was really posh as well, and it was super nice of them to put me up in it for the weekend.
This morning has been a bit of a bumpy ride. I had a longstanding photography client issue I’ve been dealing with that I thought was resolved ...
I’m nearly packed for my trip. Truthfully, I’m looking forward to getting away this weekend and relaxing a bit. The main reason I’m going is because Dave and Lauren are getting married on Saturday.
That said, I’m hoping to meet up with a friend tomorrow night and maybe go catch a movie or go bowling or something. My friend Lynn is also coming along to the wedding on Saturday, which should be a lot of fun.
The wedding is in a really cool location called the Herban Feast near Sodo Park. It looks like a really amazing spot, and I’m looking forward to shooting some photos in the venue. ...
It’s official. Sometimes I get harassed at the border, sometimes my car gets dented in a parking lot. But usually when I’m down south something happens that shows just how much the US hates me.
Today I was driving along, having a pretty good time listening to music, when I looked up in my rear view mirror and saw the cherries flashing. Since it’s been about 12 years since I’ve been pulled over, I didn’t even really get that the lights were for me. I thought, “hmm, that’s peculiar, I wonder why he doesn’t just go around me.” Anyways, I pulled over to the side of the road, and ...
It seems like it’s been raining out here forever. Maybe it’s because I spend so much time at home lately, and I can constantly hear the little pitter-patter of raindrops on the rooftop vents. Regardless, it’s making me more and more excited to be on the beach in about seven days now.
Tomorrow I’m taking it pretty easy since it’s a stat holiday. That said, we’re going to push out some quick updates for WordTwit and WPtouch which should hopefully allow the two to start working together. If you use WordTwit, WPtouch will soon be able to show all your recent Tweets. It should be a pretty ...
It’s true, I hate going to the gym. Lots of people say they go and get this massive rush of endorphins and it makes them feel like they are on a high all day. I generally feel a bit more energetic when I leave the gym, but not to the point where I feel super amazing. I see some of the people who do hours at a time of cardio, and I just can’t imagine how they do it.
The thing is, it’s not that I’m lazy. I love sports, and I’d like nothing more than to whack a tennis ball around now or play a game of badminton. For the most part though, I just find the gym super boring. Maybe I need some ...
I’m watching this video right now on YouTube. It’s fairly interesting, and I’ll place a few of my comments below:
Around 20:00 the guy actually sort of destroys his own thesis statement by saying how much they should have lost based on the calories consumed. If that were certain, there would really be no point in doing a study on macronutrient composition
Around 39:00 he mentions insulin resistance, which is what I talk about on here all the time (hyperinsulinema)
Around 41:00 he has another important thesis statement, “reducing the glycemic load may be especially important to achieve ...
Hard to believe I’ll be getting on a plane in 10 days and heading on vacation for two weeks. Truthfully, I’m really looking forward to relaxing by the pool with a few books. Reading is something I get a lot of enjoyment out of, but for whatever reason I go through big periods where I don’t really read all that much. So I’m hoping to hit a Chapters store before I leave and grab a pile of books.
Like most vacations, I’m debating whether or not to bring my digital SLR. Truthfully, I think I’m going to leave it at home this time. I love having it around, but it’s just a pain lugging ...
I just saw some great new work from Giant Ant Media, and wanted to share one of the videos here.
It’s great watching Jay and Leah slowly dominate the world. Good job guys! You can check out a few more over on Jay’s blog. ...
I rented a pile of movies on the weekend, mostly older flicks I had already seen before. That being said, I went over to my brother-in-law’s house on Friday and watched District 9 and Bruno.
District 9 was completely unexpected, and I’m not even sure what I thought of it to be honest. Overall I enjoyed it, and it was the first movie to surprise me in a long time, probably since From Dusk til Dawn. Without a doubt, you can see Peter Jackson’s hand in the movie, especially with the parallels to his own mockumentary, Forgotten Silver (that caused a lot of controversy when it came out), and ...
I spent some time at lunch today giving my car a bunch of TLC. I’ve noticed this last little while that the tires are slipping a lot, so I suspected that they were pretty much toast. I had a tread test done on them yesterday, and they came back at 4/32s, 5/32s, 5/32s, and 10/32s, the last one being the tire I replaced that blew up on the way to Seattle last year. 2/32s is the legal limit, and 4/32s is where you basically stop having traction in the rain and snow. I might have been able to squeeze another 4 months or so out of these in the summer, but I just decided to bite the bullet and put ...
I’ve been a pro member of Flickr for years now, and it’s one of the few services where dropping $30 a year is a no brainer for me. Unfortunately, they seem to have done something to the service the other day that makes it more difficult for me to use in general now.
Specifically, I used to be able to option click on a photo and copy the image URL so I could use it in a blog posting. Now on the individual photo pages, an option click seems to automatically put you in notes editing mode.
Anyways, not sure what they did, but I really hope they undo it. It makes my blogging workflow a bit more ...
It’s no secret that I’m not really big into winter sports. I’ve always liked them, I’ve just never been an active participant. As a kid, I went a few times with my parents back when they were still together I believe, but I didn’t really go all that much in high school or university. In fact, I’ve only really been snowboarding once, and that was Dec 31st, 1995 I believe (I remember because I was so insanely sore for the following New Year’s Day).
In university my friend Dustin used to go night skiing all the time. I always though it was pretty cool that he would just load his car ...
I just went to get a few groceries, and had this weird feeling my stomach like I was forgetting something. I looked at the time on my iPhone and realized that it was three years ago to the day that I went through that window in Vancouver.
Times flies I guess, as do people. ...
So, I love WestJet as an airline. They are fun, funky, relatively cheap, and they fly out of Abbotsford, which is a way better location for me than Vancouver International Airport. That being said, their website doesn’t support Safari on the Mac (possibly just Safari 4), which I think in this day and age provides a pretty poor user experience. Here’s the notification you get when you fire up your browser:
First, I’m glad WestJet supports an ancient browser like IE, but given what a forward thinking company WestJet is, I’d really like to see support for some more modern browsers such as ...
Not a good idea. I had some of the craziest dreams I’ve had in a long time last night.
Back in the day I used to work at McDonalds. I remember one time I went to take the garbage out and hucked a big green bag full into the compactor into the back. Part of it missed and the bag exploded over the concrete. Since I was only making $5/hour, I didn’t really care.
A few hours later I came out and looked at some of the stuff that had landed on the concrete. Where a few McChicken used to be was now a big puddle of chicken juice. So, I don’t know much, but I’m pretty sure normal chicken doesn’t ...