It’s been over a month of me trying to get some resolution to my problems with my Internet at home, and I’m happy to say that I’m a step nearer today. I imagine it’s due to everyone’s help on Twitter to be honest, since a few people made a few calls internally on my behalf. So thanks if you helped out.
I got a call a while ago from someone within Shaw who was informed of my problems. Right away, she said she was going to make some price adjustments to reflect the fact that my service has been sub-par. First, she lowered my monthly internet fee from $45/mo down to $10/mo for a full year. ...
It seems like I spend a lot of time at the Apple store trying to get things fixed. My current laptop has had the LCD replaced, and the main board twice now. My previous laptop also spent a few visits behind closed doors there as well. Truth be told, in the shower today I was trying to think of any other devices I’ve ever owned that have been in for repair as often, and I can’t think of any. I’ve had each of my cameras in once to the shop, once to repair a cracked LCD (I dropped it), and once for a cleaning. So other than when I drop things or get them dirty, not many of my devices crap out ...
It’s still early in the process, but today we (as a group) started planning a big WordPress event in Vancouver: WordCamp Vancouver. For those of you who follow regularly, you’ll remember that I was a co-organizer of WordCamp Whistler, which turned out to be a very well received event with an attendance of about 120 people, which is rather remarkable, given how expensive Whistler is and how far many people drove to be there.
In the past, I’ve helped put together a few small WordCamp Vancouver events, but the one we’re planning is going to be a fairly large one I imagine. Right now we’re ...
So, this is actually a timely story, given my recent efforts to purchase more local food. The British Columbia Centre for Disease Control has recently shut down a local Chilliwack company that produces raw (i.e. unpasteurized) milk due to contamination with faecal matter. I won’t argue whether or not that faecal matter is of concern, since I don’t know the levels that were found or how they relate. The owner of the business is obviously upset with the government interference:
But Home on the Range owner Alice Jongerden said the health agency has never contacted them with concerns, or gave ...
I said the other day that I wasn’t going to make any New Year’s resolutions, and for the most part that’s true. One thing I’d like to do this year though is to try and eat as healthy as possible. For starters, I gave up soft drinks the other day completely. I’m sure I’ll still have a rum and diet coke from time to time, since it’s been my drink of choice for around 12 years now, but I’m going to try not to drink any type of carbonated beverages around home for the most part if I can. I haven’t had any diet coke in about five days now, which is a pretty big accomplishment.
Second, ...
Now that I have a blender, I’ve been experimenting with a few variations of a low-carb protein shake at home. My best iteration so far is a chocolate and banana flavoured protein shake. Here’s how to make it:
125 ml of normal or unsweetened soy milk
6 ice cubes
2 tablespoons of whey protein isolate
2 tablespoons of ground flax seed
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
1 cap-full of banana extract
3/4 of a teaspoon of stevia sweetener
1/4 teaspoon of Xanthan gum
Put all of that in a blender and chop/mix it all up. It’s actually pretty tasty.
Nutritional info: 227 calories, 6.8g of fat (4.5g of ...
Today was an odd day. It was the first day back to work in about two weeks now, which in itself was a lot of fun, given what we have on our plate. Prior to that though I had to go a few tests down at Chilliwack General Hospital as a final follow-up to all that garbage I went through with my c. diff. infection years ago. Thankfully everything checked out ok, and I think I can finally put that whole health saga finally behind me. That said, I got nothing but sympathy for anyone who acquires c. diff in a hospital setting like I did.
After work today I went out and made a run to all of my favourite ...
I picked up a Nexus pass about a year ago, mainly because I thought it would help with the amount of travelling I have been doing over the years. In theory, a Nexus pass will let you cross the US/Canada border without waiting in those huge line ups.
My first attempt at using my Nexus pass was by road. It’s a bit scary using it, because they have so many restrictions in place for the program. For example, if you do something wrong (like attempt to bring a person across with you who isn’t a Nexus card holder), they can revoke your privileges and take your card away from you indefinitely. Plus, ...
I just got back from watching Sherlock Holmes with my dad here in Chilliwack. Strangely enough, I can’t remember the last time I saw a movie in the theatre, let alone a movie in the Chilliwack theatre. In true retro style, the Chilliwack theatre has yet to discover the true beauty that is cup-holders, but no matter.
I really had no expectations with regards to the movie, but found that I really enjoyed it. I find it a little implausible that Sherlock appears to be a bit of a martial artist, but I guess you can’t be a hero nowadays without knowing a bit of kung-fu or karate. Truthfully, there ...
Recently I sat down and watched the movie Food Inc. which is a very informative documentary about where our food actually comes from. One of the chief consultants for that movie was a guy named Michael Pollan, who has written numerous books including The Omnivore’s Dilemma and In Defence of Food.
After watching the movie, I decided to sit down and read The Omnivore’s Dilemma, which I actually ordered about a year ago but never found time to read. There’s a lot of overlap in the book with the content of the movie, so I had most of the key points already in mind. After reading the book, there ...
One of my goals over the holidays was to rework my personal website. I actually really liked the previous theme, but over the course of the last six months or so have received numerous emails from people that either a) didn’t like the black background or b) didn’t like the font usage and sizes (granted, I actually like really tiny fonts, which isn’t that great from a usability perspective).
I sat down in front of the TV tonight at around 9pm and decided to try and hack something out that would make it easier for that group of people, while also allowing me to make a few improvements with ...
I have to say, I’ve always been in that camp where cheaper was generally better, at least when it came to retail items. Part of that was because usually my knowledge of what I was buying was greater than that of the 17 year old kid trying to sell the product for me. So in that case, might as well get the item as cheap as possible.
Chilliwack has definitely undergone a fairly big transition in the last ten years, moving from small, family run businesses to mostly large franchise stores. A few years ago one of the only places to buy electronics in town was a store called John’s Electronics, ...
On December 26, 2004, one of the largest tsunami’s in recorded history struck in the Indian Ocean. The tsunami was triggered by a large earthquake that occurred in the middle of the ocean, registering somewhere between 9.1 and 9.3 on the Richter scale. The energy released in the earthquake was equivalent to a nuclear blast of around 26 megatons, or approximately 1500 times the magnitude of the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. The force was so great in fact that the planet Earth rang like a bell for several days, oscillating back and force with an amplitude of a few centimetres. In addition, ...
It’s not officially Christmas yet where I am, but it’s only about six hours away on the east coast of Canada, so that’s close enough.
As most people know, I moved back to my home town back in January to be closer to some of my old friends and of course my family. The last time I lived in Chilliwack in any capacity was when I was 18 years old, right before heading off for the city and university. So, this is my first Christmas as a resident of Chilliwack in about 14 years. Pretty wild now that I think about it.
Thankfully we don’t really buy many gifts these days (since I’m pretty crappy ...
Ah yes, here we are. Given that we’re only four days away from Christmas, I’m starting to think that maybe I should do some of my Christmas shopping. I’m a pretty big shopping procrastinator though, so I imagine it’ll be down to the wire. Strangely enough, I haven’t really gotten into the Christmas mood yet, which is rather unusual given how much I enjoy Christmas.
Last Christmas I ended up working through most of the holidays, so this year I’ve decided to take it easy and enjoy a bit of downtime. While I have a few things that I’m going to be working on passively, I’m just going ...
Courtney Summers is an author of young adult books and also a client of BraveNewCode’s; we’ve been really fortunate to work with her a few times and help her out with a few iterations of her website.
A few months ago I was joking on Twitter with Courtney that it would be cool if she found a way to put me in her next book. Well, Courtney got the final version of her book to proof last night, and sure enough, she managed to sneak me in.
As you can see, there’s a character in her new book, Some Girls Are, named Duane Storey. I can finally scratch “being a character in a young adult book targeted ...
Back in grade twelve, the graduating class of my high school, Sardis Senior Secondary School, performed a pretty cool version of the Grinch Who Stole Christmas for the entire school. I was kind of in the choir, even though we didn’t really sing. My friend Landy was actually the grinch, and he looked pretty hilarious wearing those green tights.
The title of this post is a reference to something the grinch says near the end when he ponders the real significant of Christmas. Without a doubt, Christmas is a hard season for a lot of people. The commercialization of the season puts a lot of pressure ...
Everyone has a bunch of movies they like to watch over Christmas. Without a doubt, my favourite Christmas movie is actually Die Hard. I love watching Bruce Willis blow stuff up over the holidays. If there’s a special someone on the couch next to me, Love Actually rates fairly highly as well.
How about you guys? What are your favourite movies to watch over the holidays? ...
It’s one of those questions that everyone always asks you at parties — what do you do? I guess the normal answer is to tell people what you do for a living, which in my case would currently be web development. That being said, some people tend to tell people what they are trained to do. For example, if you have a CA, you’d say you’re an accountant, or if you have a mechanical engineering degree, you’d say you’re a mechanical engineer. If you took software engineering, you’d say you were a software engineer.
I did my undergrad in engineering physics, which is one of the few engineering ...
Normally when I photograph and event I have a blog entry up prior to heading down and actually taking photos. Unfortunately I didn’t get around do doing an entry before Friday’s night’s event, so I thought I’d do one now.
I went down to Surrey the other day to photograph the ‘Jessie Farrell and Friends’ concert for JRFM. Also playing during the show were Jaydee Bixby, The Higgins, and Chad Brownlee. The event was in support of JRFM’s Basics for Babies!, which is why I offered to help out and snap some photos in support of the cause.
Truthfully, it’s been quite some time since ...