Shira Lazar
I first met Shira Lazar a few years ago at Launch Party Vancouver 2 I believe. Shira was up from Los Angeles to cover the event at the request of a mutual friend, Maura Rodgers. I unfortunately didn’t get to talk to Shira too much that night, but have kept in touch with her periodically over email. Shira is a well known Los Angeles media personality, and blogs frequently on CBS News’ On The Scene).
Shira was nice enough to do a guest entry on my blog during the 2008 Blogathon. That event helped raise raise over $10,000 for the Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver and some of Vancouver’s ...
The following is a guest post by the always lovely Shira Lazar. Shira is an amazing reporter based out of Los Angeles, and was nice enough to offer to help me out with a guest posting. You can read more about Shira Lazar on her main site, or head on over and check out her blog, The Pop Report. Thanks again Shira!
After a few hours of sleep, I’m back and ready to rumble in San Fran. My fellow Canuck and blogger, Duane Storey, has been doing a 24-hour blogathon for charity starting last night at 10pm and has been getting friends to do guest entries- so here’s my contribution.
Last night at ...
I went out for a few beers tonight with Boris and Dave down in Yaletown, a pseudo celebration for Cinco De Mayo. One of the topics that came up casually over a few margaritas was the fast approaching onslaught of Vancouver technology events.
Kicking it off in approximately two weeks is the fourth iteration of Launch Party Vancouver down at the Republic on Granville street. It’s always a great event, and most of the local technology companies (and freelancers) are usually in attendance. I was sort of the unofficial photographer for Launch Party III, and will definitely bring my camera around ...
Tonight I went down to the Republic to partake in the second Launch Party. It’s basically a mixer for technology enthusiasts, and an opportunity for a few startups to showcase their new products.
There were about 150 people that probably showed up, and it got rather tight and cramped at times, but it was cool meeting a lot of the people involved, and hanging out with a few old friends.
The Sxip GirlsI’m still on some drugs, so I refrained from drinking, which was actually rather nice in a way since I spent $0 at the function tonight.
Maura On TelevisionI’m not really sure why the TV people ...
Tomorrow night Tonight there is a Vancouver technology mixer down at the trendy night club Republic on Granville Street. I haven’t been out to one of these in a long time, mainly because I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather for the last few months, but I think I’m going to check it out tomorrow.
Launch Party recently launched a new website, and if you look very, very closely, you may recognize the header image on it 🙂
So, hopefully I’ll still feel like heading out tomorrow. I will be good to catch up with some old tech friends and see what’s new. Plus, it gives me an excuse to ...