Interview With Shira Lazar

I first met Shira Lazar a few years ago at Launch Party Vancouver 2 I believe. Shira was up from Los Angeles to cover the event at the request of a mutual friend, Maura Rodgers. I unfortunately didn’t get to talk to Shira too much that night, but have kept in touch with her periodically over email. Shira is a well known Los Angeles media personality, and blogs frequently on CBS News’ On The Scene).
Shira was nice enough to do a guest entry on my blog during the 2008 Blogathon. That event helped raise raise over $10,000 for the Union Gospel Mission in Vancouver and some of Vancouver’s homeless.
The post that Shira contributed in 2008 still generates quite a lot of interest on my site, so I thought I would do a follow up with Shira to see what she’s been up to since then. I did a quick Internet search, and found out that she has started blogging about travel. Given that I’m about to leave on a year-long travel adventure, I thought I’d ask her a few travel related questions as well.
The following is a brief interview with the always lovely Shira Lazar:
In 2009 you were named Social Media Maven? How did that came to
Ashton Kutcher’s company Katalyst were producing an online competition show called 24 Hours at Sundance. It was like the Amazing Race but at the Sundance Film Festival and with online personalities. For 24 hours straight we were given crazy tasks and in order to move on to the next one, you had to livestream the entire thing. We were judged on creativity, execution, engagement with the community and how many people watched out videos. I was paired with VentureBeat’s Matt Marshall, we won and were given the social media maven title.
You’ve been blogging in recent years about travel. What’s your
favourite spot that you’ve visited
I’ve blogged for the pop culture travel blog, One of my fondest memories was going to Chile. I met with bloggers and hit up some great local and underground spots. It was also chronicled for a pilot that ended up airing on the Travel Channel called Confessions of a Travel Writer.
Where would you love to visit next?
I would love to go to Asia or Australia next!
Who is the most interesting person you’ve met in the last year?
Tim O’Reilly – web guru and entrepreneur. He never fails to deliver nuggets of wisdom every time I see him.
Who would you love to meet that you haven’t had a chance to yet?
The Dalai Lama and Barack Obama!
What’s the best part of living in LA for you outside of work?
Being able to be near the beach, jump on a bike and go from spot to spot without getting in the car. That’s an ideal day! Of course being able to hike outside during the winter is also a perk.
What do you miss the most about Canada?
I love the culture and people where I grew up in Montreal. I love going home and going out eating at cute local restaurants, shopping at the little boutiques and catching up with friends at supper clubs that transform into the craziest dance floors. Montreal’s night scene is still unlike any other. The joie du vivre and friendliness synonymous with Canadian and Montreal culture is something I’m always proud of.
Vancouver misses you! When are you planning on coming back for a visit?
Aww – I love Vancouver. I’m not sure – but hopefully soon!
You can follow along with Shira via Twitter at @shiralazar or on her blog at CBS New, On The Scene.