Tag: cold Posts

Snow Snow Snow


I gotta say — I’m fairly amazed that it’s still snowing on the west coast. I woke up to a white coating on the local mountains and houses here. I actually spent a few years living in Ottawa, and one of the reasons I came back was because the weather was so much warmer out here. But this is without a doubt one of the craziest winters I can remember. Cultus Lake provincial park is only a few weeks away from opening, so it’s pretty incredible that we’re still plagued by this cold snap. I sure hope we’re privileged enough to have an extra warm summer as payback for this dismal winter. Anyone have any cool plans for the summer? Vacation, camping? Let us know!

Rain Rain, Go Away


Is it just me, or was this one of the shittiest summers we’ve had in a long time? It seems like anytime I looked out my window in the morning with thoughts of doing something outdoors it was either cold or rainy. Obviously today is no exception. Photo by Lyn on Flickr Interestingly enough, while down in the Dominican Republic, most people there said the same thing — that this was one of the worst summers they can remember. I’m fairly certain the UK set a rain record this summer, based on something I heard and read while down in the Caribbean. Unlike most of my friends, I’m not particular fond of summer. It’s nice that it’s clear outside and to have the sun shining, but my kind of weather is more like last week, where it was sunny but not to warm. I’m more of a jeans guy than […]