WPtouch Pro 3.0: The Mobile Plugin For WordPress

Two days ago we finally pulled the veil off of WPtouch Pro 3.0, the mobile plugin for WordPress, which is a fairly substantial update to WPtouch Pro. Most of my family and friends know just how hard we’ve been working on it over the last few months, and especially these last few weeks. Last night we had a little party with a few employees and some company friends, and today most of us finally get to relax a little.
The amount of effort we put into this launch we basically an order of magnitude larger than the one we did almost three years ago. As if it wasn’t hard enough launching just a new product, we also completely redid the website and support infrastructure. For the period of time the website was down on Thursday, we basically replaced our entire web infrastructure from top to bottom.
The last launch I have been involved of this size involved about 50 people at a company I worked at in Vancouver – we did this launch with only six. I am amazingly proud of what everyone accomplished, and am ecstatic that the project is finally released upon the world.
Right now I’m sitting in the Hamilton airport, getting ready to catch a flight back home. I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again tonight, and for next week when I can resume my normal routine again. I haven’t really had any time off in over a year, so I am planning on taking some time off in June to travel around Canada and enjoy some sun.