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So normally I’d make a really witty blog entry for all you early morning risers that need a chuckle before you get into the shower. But, truth is, I’m pretty bagged. I will however briefly mention my quest for a wine collection. I’ve been hauling this shitty Ikea wine rack around with me for years, knowing full well I’d never have more than one or two bottles in it at any one time. Finally, I decided I’m going to change that, and what better way to do that than to enlist the help of a friend.

Number One
I actually took a winetasting course a few years ago at UBC. Truthfully, I think I took it more to meet cute, sophisticated women, but unfortunately it became apparent the moment I stepped into the class that every other guy on campus had the same idea. So, I smelled my little cups of liquid, nodded, and pretended like I could distinguish which grapes rotted in which barrels, or how much pepper some guy poured into a certain tub. After two or three classes like that, where guys would routinely come up to me and ask me how I felt while drinking a certain type of wine, I decided I would pick a different extra-curricular activity. Anyways, as I told myself I would start moving away from beer and rum this year, I decided I would up my knowledge of wine a bit more, which of course leads to me needing some sort of collection.

So, I asked Sheila today to help me assemble the start of a decent wine collection sometime later this week. It’s going to entail a trip to the liquor store on Cambie and 37th (which, if you didn’t know, is the largest liquor store in BC — something I knew quite well back in my university days) to stock up on 15 – 20 bottles of wine. I think it will be a lot of fun, so look forward to some pictures from the big night out on Thursday.

Sheila and Jason were nice enough to donate the first bottle for my new collection (shown above). It’s a 1996 Pinot Noir, and it’s taken the first lonely position in my wine rack. Don’t worry buddy — you’ll have company soon. Thanks alot guys.

Also, if you have a suggestion for any type of wine in the $20 – $30 price range, please let me know. I’m partial to reds.