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This is a short post, but I promised a few people I’d let them know where I’m off to. I’m officially on vacation right now, and I’m going to disappear for a few days to just relax, take some photos, and see where the wind takes me. I’ve never really spent any time in Seattle, so tomorrow I’m going to head down that way in the morning and enjoy some of the Pike St. Market. I’m taking all my camera gear, so hopefully I’ll get some good shots of city life..

I’m staying in a pretty decent hotel downtown tomorrow, and I plan to get as much sleep as humanly possible. After that, my current plan is to hit the Oregon coast for a while, and maybe check out some of the wineries in Carleton.

I’ll drop in from time to time to upload some photos and write a blog entry or two. For the most part I’m going to spend my free time exploring, reading, or watching movies.

Please look after the Internet for me while I’m gone. Thanks.