The Quest To Eat Healthy
One of the major initiatives I've taken upon myself since moving back home is to actually eat at home for all of my meals. The last time I think I consistently ate three meals a day that I actually made for myself was probably back in high school.
Since moving out here, I'm happy to say that I've been fairly successful eating at home. It does take a lot of effort though, and I find I have to hit a grocery store every second day or so just to top up produce and what-not. The nice thing about being out here though is that it's easy to bounce between various specialty stores in the same trip.
In Vancouver, most of my grocery shopping was done at the Urban Fare in Vancouver. Out in Chilliwack, I'm bouncing between three places routinely: a little gourmet meat shop near my house, Price Smart, and Fraser Valley Meats, a locally owned butcher shop. The last one has actually opened my eyes a bit with regards to some of the purchases I've made in the past. For example, I have always purchased bacon in those little packages at the supermarkets, but have started buying bacon direct from the butcher here. The difference is pretty astounding, and the fresh stuff just tastes so much better. In addition, the prices are usually a bit cheaper at the local meat shops, which is an added bonus.
Something else I've also noticed is that my fridge out here seems to keep things fresher and colder than my fridge in my old apartment. I was always tossing things out of that fridge that had gone bad, but everything seems to stay relatively fresh here, which is also pretty awesome.
I'm quickly going through my repertoire of recipes, so I have a few new cook books to go through to learn a few new tricks. But given that I've been eating relatively healthy out here, and have been getting about 8 - 9 hours of sleep a night on average, I'm actually started to feel quite a bit better. I'm really looking forward to the spring and summer here, and am gonna start prepping my camera to take some new HDRs in the next few months.