The Plot Thickens

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Friday morning, I woke up with a rather large fever, and spent the first hour or two hugging a toilet. I was feeling pretty defeated, so I called my mom out in Chilliwack and asked her to come out and spend the night with me.

It’s been really great. They made me a meal, looking after me, did my laundry, and tried to do what they could to make me feel better. I went to bed, and actually had a pretty decent sleep. Unfortunately, I had a really large fever upon waking up today, and realized that something wasn’t really right.

I went down to the walk in clinic with Marty, which was a challenge since I had a high fever and was thinking pretty cloudy. He did a few quick tests and made me do a urine sample. The first thing he noticed was that there was blood in my urine, which he says points to a pretty serious kidney infection.

So while that’s not great news, at least it points to something else that has been causing my body to react. I also went down a had a full spectrum of tests done on the real lab, including two blood draws. I’m supposed to get the results back for that today, so I’ll keep everyone in the loop. I’m on some powerful antibiotics now to address to infection so that’s good.