Weekend Roundup: Osoyoos

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Last week John Bollwitt sent me a Twitter message and asked if I wanted to come out to the Okanagan this weekend. John was asked to setup for a live radio broadcast out at a winery, and unfortunately Rebecca couldn’t go with him. So, being the amazingly awesome friend that I am, I packed up my camera and hopped into John’s company’s mini-cooper. It was a leisurely four hour drive from Chilliwack out to Osoyoos, and John and I just listened to music and got caught up. We basically just sat around and watched TV the first night, as we were both a bit beat from the drive. The second day I basically ...

Happy Birthday Tony Pierce

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Unfortunately, there are very few people in this world nowadays who aren’t full of shit. I have been around many blocks, and met many people, and I always end up (thankfully) back home with the same people I left with. That said, you do meet the odd person once and a while who is as good as his or her word. Today (depending on when you read this) is Tony Pierce’s birthday. I originally met Tony down at Matt’s Las Vegas birthday party. I didn’t get to spend a lot of time talking to him down there, but slowly, since then, have gotten to know Tony, and been privileged enough to drink the ...

Toronto, Day One

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Well, judging from the beer bottles all around me and the chinese food stain on the bed, I think I had a pile of fun last night. I did my best to keep track of how many beers I had via facebook, but it looks like I lost count at the end or had trouble counting. I went with Raymi and Phil to the hospital when I arrived in the hotel since she hasn’t been feeling that well. There they gave my a Christmas present, which included this cute little guy that plays the guitar (thanks guys, I’ll post a photo later). After that, Raymi and I started our nacho-fest with some down at Sneaky Dees. ...

28 Days Later

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A few minutes ago, I took the last of the foul-tasting, side-effect inducing crud that I started nearly four weeks ago. The last few days have been particularly hard, and I’ve found myself extremely tired, have had a metallic taste in my mouth, and also a fairly bad migraine. While most of my family played board games tonight, I was forced to retire to the couch in the other room and attempt to out-sleep my pounding head. 168 little antibiotic goodies The Last 2 Out Of 168 Pills Hopefully in the next day or so, as the drug leaves my system, I’ll start feeling alot like my old self again. ...