One of the hardest parts about traveling with technology is lugging all of your gear around with you. Once you arrive at a destination and rent an apartment, you can store some items and only carry along a few things at a time. But when you’re in the process of traveling to or from a destination, you have to have all your items on your person for a period of time.
I’m actually using the MEC Pangea 40 litre backpack as my main travel bag. For small trips I only bring the backpack with me, but for my major travel between destinations that I plan to live at for more than a week, I store everything ...
Congrats are in order to Kasia, for finally leaving behind the dusty world of PCs and embracing the world of Mac! Enjoy your new toy!
PS – somebody sure is spoiled this year! ...
I’m sure it’s old news by new, but Apple announced updates for their Macbook lines today. They look pretty snazzy, sporting thinner aluminum cases and black plastic near the monitor. I’m not sure I’m sold on the decision to make the monitor glossy (as this makes it more difficult editing photos, IMO), but all in all it looks like a step in the right direction.
As I’ve indicated previously, I’m focusing on paying off my student loans for the next little while, which basically means no major purchases. For the time being I’m going to try and stick with my Macbook Pro, even though the ...
Today Apple officially unveiled the new Apple MacBook and MacBook pro laptops. Not a whole lot of excitement with the announcements, since many people were expecting a new form factor, but it looks like there are a few small improvements. Of note is the addition of the multi-touch track pad that is part of the Apple MacBook Air Notebook, more video memory, and faster CPU speeds.
You can read more about it here. ...
Apple just announced an ultra-think notebook computer called the Air.
Photo by Gnackgnackgranck on Flickr
Looks pretty cool, but it doesn’t have a DVD drive, and is sealed shut like a big iPod. Based on my experiences with my Macbook Pro and Leopard, I think I’m definitely pulling myself out of the “early-adopter” crowd with Apple and waiting a while this round to see what happens. ...