So, I’ve lost track of how many days that I’ve been here. I was originally coming for something like 87 days, so it must be near day 80 or so. As the title of the post says, I’m down to only 8 days left.
I spent the weekend down in Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the world. I had a great time, and was almost sad to leave when the time came. Staying in a hostel was a great experience, and I always had people around. Compared to Buenos Aires, where I work mostly solo during the weeks, it was nice to have some company around again, even if for a few days.
I’ll do a full trip ...
I landed in Buenos Aires yesterday (it seems like a lot longer based on how much I’ve done since then), but so far it is shaping up to be an amazing experience.
The flight from Houston was fairly uneventful. I popped a few anti-anxiety pills and then did my best to sleep for as much of the flight as I could. We hit a fairly long bit of turbulence right as we were passing the equator (not sure if that’s the reason), so that kept me from sleeping for a while. But after that was done, the rest of the flight was fairly smooth.
Once we were on the ground, I slowly made my way to the customs area. ...