I recently returned from Brazil, and decided to stock up on some new electronics. While down at the Apple store I managed to grab a new bluetooth keyboard for my iPad Mini, as well as a few other gadgets. That’s when my eye caught some of the Fitbit devices on display in the Apple store, and I decided to get one.
What Is The FitBit Zip?
The Fitbit Zip is basically a pedometer, a device that measures and records each step you take. If you wear it around during the day you can log how many steps you take, and in term how many calories you burned during the process.
Fitbit Zip: Wireless Activity ...
Given that summer is just around the corner (at least, I hope it is — it’s really hard to tell with this weather), I decided about 6 weeks ago to try and get in better shape. One of the things I wanted to do when I moved out to Chilliwack was to be a bit healthier. I’ve definitely done that in terms of what I eat, but not so much in terms of how much exercise I get in a typical week. Summer is usually better for me as I like hiking and playing tennis, so I’m sure it’ll increase.
When I got back from Hamilton at the start of March I decided to start hitting the gym hard and being very ...
It’s true, I hate going to the gym. Lots of people say they go and get this massive rush of endorphins and it makes them feel like they are on a high all day. I generally feel a bit more energetic when I leave the gym, but not to the point where I feel super amazing. I see some of the people who do hours at a time of cardio, and I just can’t imagine how they do it.
The thing is, it’s not that I’m lazy. I love sports, and I’d like nothing more than to whack a tennis ball around now or play a game of badminton. For the most part though, I just find the gym super boring. Maybe I need some ...
Part of the reason I went back to Chilliwack this last weekend was to get caught up on sleep before all the craziness begins this month and next. Thankfully I managed to do just that, and often slept in until 11:30 or noon. I actually feel fairly refreshed, which is a nice change.
Chilliwack RainbowOne of the things I’m going to try to do over the next two months is to lose a few pounds. Before being in the hospital and all my surgeries, I was in a fairly happy place with regards to health. But this last year has been tough and I haven’t really been that vigilant with watching what I eat and ...
That’s right. Yours truly finally got his butt off the couch long enough to go outside and get some exercise. I’m happy to report that I managed to rollerblade at a pretty good clip for a whole half-hour without puking or anything. I guess you could say this officially kicks off my getting-in-shape thing (please don’t search the archives for the last time I said this).
I’m going to be attending a pool party in Las Vegas next Friday, and I’m hoping that with enough effort I can lose twenty pounds by then and look absolutely smokin’ with my shirt off.
A guy can dream, can’t he? ...