As of yesterday, I am no longer the owner of a SLR camera. I purchased my first SLR back in 2004, so I’ve been a SLR user for almost 7 years. And while I love the quality of photos you can take with a SLR camera, dragging tons of equipment and lenses around gets a bit tiring. That’s even more true when you start picking up some of the nicer, heavier lenses, many of which I owned previously.
I sold all my L-series glass about 6 months ago, partially because they weren’t being used and also because I needed the cash to finance some of my current traveling adventures. I wasn’t originally ...
Take a look at the photo on the right. If you notice, there are four boxes for Canon Digital Elphs, two boxes for Digital SLRs, and one box for a HD camcorder. That photo was taken almost three years ago now, and since then I believe I’ve had at least one more Canon point and shoot camera.
The thing is though, I’m all Canon’ed out. At least in the Point and Shoot realm, I have found myself continually disappointed with the performance of the cameras. Every Digital Elph I’ve owned has suffered from the exact same pixel bleeding issue when exposed to bright lights, such as those in a club. ...
I went out tonight and bought a new digital camera, the Canon SD 870 IS. I did some basic research before hand and that was one of about three cameras I considered buying for this upcoming weekend. What sold me on it was that a guy at work recently picked it up and heaped a pile of praise on it. Also, it’s the only camera in it’s class that had image stabilization *and* a useful wideangle end (something most cameras lack of this size).
This is, unfortunately, probably the 8th digital camera I’ve purchased in about as many years. Several of them had untimely deaths, and one was even the victim ...
A few years ago, I was the best man in my friend Jeff’s wedding. One of the responsibilities of the best man, as you probably know, is to organize the stag and to get the groom insanely drunk. I didn’t do anything amazing crazy for Jeff, but I did organize a big drinking pub crawl with some of his friends around town.
I also bought a bunch of disposable cameras and distributed them to all the people attending, hoping that we would get some great shots of the event. After I got home that night (and I can’t honestly remember how I got home), I ended up with a plastic bag of disposible cameras, ...
I don’t really have much to say, but I thought I’d write one last entry before my big surgery day. I spent most of the weekend putting in some hours for work, since I had a few meetings last week that took up too much time. Except for the party down at Bryght on Friday night, I didn’t really accomplish too much. Well, that’s not entirely true — today I went into my room and finally sat down to do my taxes.. I think I’m technically a few weeks late, but since I don’t owe any money, I don’t think anybody will kick up a big fuss (in fact, those sneaky bastards owe me $1100).
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