Reflections on a iPod

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I’ve had an iPod now for probably at least two years. On my birthday, Des picked me up one of those iPod Minis back when they first came out. And as I sit here, on my couch, patiently waiting for it to charge enough so it will make the rainy walk to work, I thought I’d reflect a bit on the iPod.

Since I usually walk wherever I go downtown, I pretty much take the iPod with me when I can. I’m sure I’m going to be part of that generation that goes prematurely deaf since I’m somehow genetically inclined to listen to my iPod on max or near-max volume all the time. In fact, if it could go louder, I’d probably bump it up a few notches. It only took me about a week before I blew the headphones that came with, and now I’m on my 3rd of 4th pair of cheap ones.. None of these headphones actually sound as good as the original ones in my opinion, but I just can’t bring myself to shell out another $40 for the same ones that blew so easily last time.

In terms of battery life, mine’s always been pretty pitiful. It seems like I can only make a few trips to and from work before it’s dead again. I don’t believe the claims about the battery life that Apple made, because in my experience, they are simply not accurate. The menu system is pretty cool, but I don’t think it’s perfect yet.

I think one of the best purchases I made was this little device that lets me hook my iPod to my stereo, and at the same time charges it. It even comes with its own remote, so I can sit on my couch and cycle through my iPod in my living room with ease. It’s made listening to music at home far more enjoyable, since I don’t have to burn CDs anymore. Best part is I’ve become accustomed to dropping my iPod into the charger the moment I walk in the door, so for the most part I never really have it die on me midsong.

Making the jump to my new Macbook Pro caused me to lose most of my MP3s on my iPod, so unfortunately I don’t have a pile of music on it right now. Other than that, it’s been a pretty enjoyable little device. I debated getting the video version a while ago, but truth is I don’t really watch many videos these days, and don’t really think it’s an ideal form factor for watching videos. But when this puppy dies, I imagine I’ll buy something else similar.

Anyways, my iPod should be charged now, so it’s time to make the long dreary walk to work.