O'Hai Bacon
I’m hopeless, really I am. I do stupid things all the time, most of which I end up thinking are pretty funny. A few years ago I went to work with my shirt on backwards and inside-out. Since I like laughing at myself, I never take these things too seriously.
This morning, after taking a shower, I went into my room and sorted some clothes looking for something to wear. Underneath a couple clothes in the corner there was a plastic bag. And in that plastic bag was….
everyone’s favorite packaged pig, Mr. Bacon. Yes, I’m so not shitting you, there was bacon.. in my room. I actually remember buying that bacon a week or so ago, but it went missing and I figured they just didn’t bag it at Urban Fare (which happens about 50% of the time for me). The reality is that it somehow ended up in a bag in the corner of my room.
Needless to say it went from my room directly into the garbage can. Sad thing is I really wanted bacon after finding it, and now I don’t have any.
The life of a software developer, full of bacon and failure.