Northern Voice 2011 – Are You Going?

This upcoming weekend is the 2011 incarnation of Northern Voice. I went to my first Northern Voice back in 2007 and met so many great and inspirational people. In actuality, that event was the catalyst that started me playing with WordPress and meeting some of the people that I now call my close friends.
A Mosaic Of 1600 Northern Voice Photos
Since I lived out in Chilliwack during last year’s Northern Voice I didn’t get a chance to catch it all, but I swung by for an hour or so and said hello to some friends. This year I should I live a lot closer and will be there on both Friday and Saturday checking out the various sessions, and of course the social.
There’s a WordPress genius bar I’m told, so I’ll probably volunteer for a shift there if I can. And of course, I’ll be at PhotoCamp, where I’ve spoken a few times previously. So if you see me walking around, make sure you stop me and say hello!
If you’re aren’t going to Northern Voice, you should definitely check it out. And if you are going, I hope to see you there!