Happy Birthday Rebecca Bollwitt

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Tomorrow (depending on when you read this), is Rebecca Bollwitt’s birthday (or Friday, if you’re looking for an absolute time). I first met Rebecca at Northern Voice 2007 I believe, and had just come out of my first round of surgery (thanks to those four idiots who put me in the hospital). It was a time when I desperately needed the support of others the most, and a role her and John took up instantly in my life. Since that time, Rebecca and John have become really close friends of mine here in Vancouver, and I can’t imagine my life at this point without them in it. In fact, of all the reservations I have about moving home, one of the main ones is not being able to hang out with them as often.

Rebecca is one of those rare people who gives to others without thinking of the end result or the toils it will place on herself, and someone who is always conscious of the affects of her actions on others. She is a true leader, and has inspired countless others both in terms of technology, and the role of women in that sector. She has proven that a small-town girl need not have any limitations placed upon her life, and has been a role model and an inspiration to many in the social media space, as well as in my life.

Rebecca and Me

So on this day, I wish my good friend Rebecca a very happy birthday. Happy Birthday Becks — and thanks for being a friend these last few years.

Your good pal, Duane.