It has been a long-time dream of mine to finally visit Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas. I actually tried several times over the last few years, but somehow never made it to the ruins. I even bought a plane ticket earlier this year from Vancouver to Cuzco, Peru, but ended up not being able to go due to work commitments. Since I’ve been living in Brasil for the last month with my girlfriend, we decided it would be a good opportunity to finally visit Peru and Machu Picchu.
A Few Days In Cuzco
Most people who visit Machu Picchu initially have a stop in Cuzco, a medium-sized city approximately ...
Luciana and I headed to the airport around 1am last night, with plans to catch a flight at 3:50am for Lima. Obviously that’s not an ideal flight time, but since it was heavily discounted we thought we could live with it. Another reason we booked that particular flight is that it was with TAM airlines, and they happen to be with Star Alliance. Since I’m going for Gold Status this year with Star Alliance, I welcomed the chance to get 6,000 more miles with them.
Unfortunately when we got to the airport, TAM told us that we had to go over to LAN’s counter and check-in with them. I said I was ...
I few months ago I blogged about the fact that I had finally purchased a ticket to go to Peru and see Machu Picchu. Unfortunately due to the launch of WPtouch Pro 3, I wasn’t able to go at the time, and ended up tossing a $1,000 plane ticket in the garbage since Expedia wouldn’t give me a refund.
All in all though the launch was a big success, so I can’t really complain. Sacrifices like that are part of owning your own business, and why I personally don’t feel as guilty when I enjoy a bit of relaxation time when things occasionally slow down for a while.
Now that I’m finally back in ...
I was sort of hoping to keep this trip a secret, but enough people know now that it doesn’t seem to make any sense to not talk about it anymore (basically, I suck at secrets).
While I have been to South America twice now, there is one destination there that I have never been able to make happen on my previous trips – I have always wanted to visit Peru, and in particular Machu Picchu, the Lost City of the Incas (now found, thankfully). So I decided to finally plan a trip to Peru.
Machu Picchu, photo from Wikipedia
I’ve also aligned the trip to coincide exactly with my birthday, which will ...