Canada Post's "Real-Time" Tracking

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I currently have a package en-route to Toronto, and have been trying to locate where it is. I sent it priority courier with Canada Post, since that was the simplest option. Surprisingly, their “real-time” tracking number isn’t real-time at all, and basically has a 24 hour lag to it. So in the case of an over-night delivery (which I paid extra for), nobody will be able to locate the package until a day after it should have been delivered.

I just got off the phone from a lady at Canada Post, and her questions were the real-world equilalent of “is your computer on?” type tech questions. She asked if the recipient had a door that the package could be dropped off at, and if the buzzer worked there. I was like, “yeah I assume so, where’s the package?” Of course, they have no idea, and won’t know until tomorrow when some student punches the numbers into a computer or something — maybe it’s at a bar somewhere enjoying some local beer, who knows.

Is it just me, or does that seem broken somehow?