Back From The States

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I got back from Deception Pass early this afternoon, and I have to say, it was a really great trip. I spent most of the time there just sitting around the campfire reading, often taking a sip from a can of beer when my attention wandered from the pages.

I took a little day trip on Saturday, driving back along the water towards Anecortes, and then south towards Oak Harbour. Driving along the open road with the windows open made me realize just how long it has been since I’ve gotten away for a weekend. Not only that, but it makes me extremely excited for the block of time off I’m taking in June.

One of the things that always amazes me while camping is just how good of a sleep I can get. I’m an extremely light sleeper, and on a typical night here in Vancouver, would estimate that I wake up around 5 – 10 times during the night due to random noises or sirens outside. I’ve always basically had a hard time sleeping.

Contrast that with camping this weekend, where I think I only woke up once Saturday night because I was a bit cold, and promptly went back to sleep. The interesting thing is that it’s not really any quieter outside while camping — in fact, there were birds chirping all morning, kids riding their bikes, and cars driving around the campsite. But somehow it all combines in some way that ends up being comforting.

In terms of tomorrow, I’m just going to take it easy. I have to find a laundromat so I wash my clothes, and probably do a bit of shopping. But other than that I think I’m just going to read a book and maybe get some groceries.

Also, I noticed a fairly terrible dent in my door on the way home from Deception Pass. It’s possible that it happened before the trip, but not very likely I think since it’s on the back door on the driver’s side (which means I see it every time I get into my car). Looks like someone hit it really hard with a door or fell into it with a bicycle or something. Not sure what I’m going to do about that. Considering my car only has 15k kms on it, I’d like to get it fixed.