37 Days To Go

I started an Iguazu Falls posting last night, but it’s undoubtedly going to be a large post and will take me a while longer to put together. Look for it tomorrow or Wednesday night sometime.
According to my little iPhone widget, I only have 37 days left in Buenos Aires. Obviously that’s not much time, and it means that I’ve already been here almost 50 days or so. I’m heading to Ushuaia for St. Patrick’s Day, which means I only have four other weekends to do some more exploring within Buenos Aires.
My current landlord has $1,100 USD of damage deposit, and I’ll be looking forward to getting that back when I move out. In case there were any issues regarding getting that back, I scheduled my move out date to be one day before I have to fly out of Buenos Aires. As a result, I’m homeless for that final night, and was always planning on getting a hotel somewhere.
I did a quick Google search this morning and found a really nice hotel that was offering an early booking bonus. As a result, I picked up a Junior Suite for a really cheap price, and it comes with access to a special VIP floor with free food and internet. So, I’ll be spending my last night here in style.
The hotel is right in the heart of Buenos Aires, so it’ll be a great location to do one final photo walk, have a nice meal, and get a good night’s rest prior to the 15 hours or so of flying I have to do to get to New York City.
But before that, I have lots left to do, including my trip to Ushuaia. But today is 37 days left on my South American adventure.