Master's Thesis

Last modified on April 25th, 2007

I’ve had a few requests lately from people asking if I could send them a copy of my master’s thesis. So in the interest of saving time, I’m throwing it up here in case anyone wants to download it and read themselves to sleep.

My research was primarily in the area of high definition video compression, specifically on a new codec called H.264 that is used in the new HD DVD formats such as Blue-Ray and HD-DVD. I proposed a novel scheme to combine concurrently broadcoast MPEG-2 standard definition (SD) streams with H.264 spatial difference information to create a HD broadcast stream at a reduced bitrate.

So, here it is. Enjoy.

4 responses to “Master's Thesis”

  1. Beth says:

    People ask for you thesis? Colour me jealous! No one ever asks me to read mine! Except boys who are trying to impress me, but that doesn’t count because they don’t *really* want to read it.

  2. Duane says:

    I think it’s mainly people that want to copy as much as they can so they can be done sooner..

  3. Hesty says:

    You got that right, just remind me to put my name over it when I’m done. 😉

  4. Beth says:

    Plagiarism. Good times!

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