Tag: Journal Posts

The Aftermath Of My 30th Birthday


Well, it’s now official — not only am I officially 30, but I have also survived my 30th birthday party. Thanks to everyone who came out to enjoy a few beers. In my case, thanks to all the shots, I drank way more than I’m used to. While I had a great time, unfortunately I slipped down the stairs at Honey and lost my glasses long enough for a few people to step on them. So, apparently I’ll be visiting the eyeglass store this week to put in a new order. Thanks everyone who popped by. I have a meeting with my plastic surgeon on Friday, and from there I’ll know when I’ll have my second surgery, which will most likely be within about 10 days after the meeting.

Turning 30


Well, in just a few hours, yours truly will be turning 30. I originally set out last night to write something memorable, and spent a few hours writing a blog entry that I hoped would detail the last ten years of my life. However, upon waking up this morning, I realized that it wasn’t really what I wanted to say, probably because I think it was heavily influenced by the events of the last six months. The truth is, this has probably been the hardest year of my life. Between a big breakup, that assault in November, a surgery and some other personal things in my life, it was really quite a challenge to get through it. But the good news is that I did get through, mostly with the help of some great friends and family. So, as I turn 30, I’m going to take this opportunity to turn […]

Piggy Banks


I actually came home with the intention of writing two separate blog entries, but I’m so frickin tired that I’m only gonna be able to get this one out. This is a pretty crazy little time at work right now, and I’m on day two of a pretty hard two week push. Yesterday was a 12 hour day at work, and today was pretty close to 14. By Friday I’m definitely going to be ready for a few drinks (or maybe a long nap). Anyways. I was chatting wtih my brother-in-law on MSN earlier today, and he let me know that their house was broken into in Chilliwack this morning. The guys made away with most of the expensive electronics: two laptops, some random computer stuff, and a playstation portable (PSP). I’m sure they took more electronics (since Andy is a gadget-whore like myself), but those were the big highlights […]

Going To Sleep With A Macbook Pro


So last week I decided that I was going to try and break my whole staying up late, getting up late routine and actually make an effort to go to bed early and get up early. For the most part (except for getting in a bit later today, which is excusable but unfortunately not bloggable), I’ve been keeping to a routine of hitting the sack around 11, reading on my laptop until 11:30 or so, and getting up at 7am. Now, I have a queen sized bed. I’ve had one for years now I guess, ever since university. But the funny thing is, I will never ever be able to sleep like I have a queen sized bed. For the most part, I curl up in a ball and stick to my one side, even on the nights where I toss and turn. When I clean my sheets, one side […]

When Email Just Isn't Enough


So last night I headed down to the Alibi room for Keri’s 29th birthday party. I got the official invite via a myspace bulletin a while ago, and slotted it into my calender. The piece I apparently forgot I guess was the “RSVP via Email” thing at the bottom. So tonight, I got all dolled up, and headed down there for 10pm. Only problem was nobody else was there.. So, I got myself a drink, and waited. After an hour I realized there were a few holes in my original plan.. Unfortunatley, my cell phone was recently fixed, and I don’t have many numbers in there yet, so I had no way to contact any of the people who were going to be there.. After waiting nearly another hour (which wasn’t totally boring because I was chatting it up with the cute female bartender and sampling their wines), I realized […]

Stupid is as stupid does


As i mentioned in one of my previous posts, tonight I went down to Future Shop and picked up a new MacBook Pro. Before I detail what the buying experience was like, I’m going to talk a bit about me. I do stupid things. Quite often actually. And maybe Forest Gump would say it’s because I actually am stupid, but I think it’s mainly because I’m absent minded from time to time. One good example is the day I went to work with my short not only on backwards, but also on inside out. It didn’t really have any distinguishing features on it, and after three weeks of late nights working on my master’s thesis, wearing my shirt on backwards was the least of my concerns. However, my girlfriend at the time laughed her ass off when I got home, not only because I did this, but because not a […]

Valentine's Day Wrap-up


Well, this day is finally over, so I can write about it. I cracked a bottle of wine at 6:30pm and started going through some old photos for something to do. I decided about mid way through that I would use the opportunity to try out some wines that I’ve been meaning to check out for a while. At around 10pm Tiffany strolled by and helped me on the drinking front. It was a pretty decent evening. I gotta get to bed for a 9am conference call tomorrow, but here are a few photos from today.

Valentine's Day


I just looked at my computer clock and realized that today is Valentine’s day, and here I am, on my couch in the dark, alone. I talked with my ex-girlfriend briefly on the phone tonight, asked how she was doing, what she was up to, the same old same old. We were trying to figure out a time to get together for dinner, and she said that Wednesday night was obviously out. And even though I wanted to ask, I didn’t. Because really, who wants to know what their ex is doing for Valentine’s day? So, what do I plan to do? I’m not really sure, but I imagine it’s going to involve some liquor down at a local watering hole. Maybe my random act of kindness for Wednesday will be to wash away a few of my own memories in a flood of beer, to hang out with some […]