Tag: beer Posts

The United States Hates Me


It’s official. Sometimes I get harassed at the border, sometimes my car gets dented in a parking lot. But usually when I’m down south something happens that shows just how much the US hates me. Today I was driving along, having a pretty good time listening to music, when I looked up in my rear view mirror and saw the cherries flashing. Since it’s been about 12 years since I’ve been pulled over, I didn’t even really get that the lights were for me. I thought, “hmm, that’s peculiar, I wonder why he doesn’t just go around me.” Anyways, I pulled over to the side of the road, and proceeded to get my first speeding ticket in 12 years. Strangely enough, I had been stuck behind a semi truck for about 20 miles when the cop gave me a ticket. I told him I really doubted I was speeding, since […]

The Eighty Dollar Headache


I was out the other day having a few beers at a local watering hole. I actually don’t really drink all that much nowadays, something I’m pretty thankful for. The thing is, when you work in high technology, there are always a lot of opportunities after work to go schmooze at a pub with your bosses or whoever is in town negotiating a deal. Strangely enough, I’ve never liked drinking all that much. The irony of that is that me and my friends were pretty well known for our drinking prowess in university. In fact, I’m still sort of known as the guy who can pound back an insane about of liquor, at least amongst some of my friends at my last company. I went head to head with a 19 year old a few years ago, and he basically called it quits when he could no longer sit straight […]

Molson Brew 2.0 Event In Vancouver


On Tuesday night I had the privilege of attending a private party at the Molson brewery put on by Molson. Molson decided to have a little get together with some of the local social media individuals and bloggers, and while pounding back a few beers. The event was called Brew 2.0, and it took place down on Burrard Street at the big brewery. I’ve actually never been inside a brewery before, and it was a really cool experience. It’s amazing how many beers Canadians are consuming every minute, something you get a sense of as the machines pump out cans of Rickard’s Red and Molson Canadian. I met a lot of great people during the event, including Geoff Molson (the great-great-great-great grandson of the inventor of Molson Canadian) and Gord Rickards, the talent behind Rickard’s Red. I also got to finally meet Meghan, Andy and Tonia, who, coincidentally, all look […]

When You Just Don't Feel Like Writing


I haven’t written on here in a few days now. That’s a long stretch for me. Truth is, I’m just kind of busy and a bit bagged. I haven’t been sleeping all that well lately, and feel like I’m a walking zombie. I was feeling pretty nauseous all yesterday, and didn’t really eat that much. I hardly slept at all last night and woke up feeling like I was going to throw-up, so I decided to work from home today and try to save what’s left of my body here. I decided a few weeks ago that I’m taking this weekend off. I don’t know what I’m going to end up doing, but I’m really hoping it doesn’t involve a computer. I’d like to actually go to gym for a change, or maybe a nice long rollerblade. I might take a drive up to Whistler, or just hang out at […]

Molson's Brew 2.0 Event


I woke up to an email inviting me to a big Molson event down at the Burrard Street Brewery next week. It’s an event geared towards some of Vancouver’s web 2.0 saavy people and bloggers that involves sampling various beers as well as a special blogger brew that they have cooking up just for us. It actually sounds like a ton of fun. Given that I can demolish a few beers without much effort, I think I’ll definitely swing by and check it out. A few other of the night’s attractions will be: Kerry Scarsbrook & Gord Rickards, creator of Rickard’s Red, will be in attendance. Molson Brewery founder John Molson’s great-great-great-great-grandson, Geoff Molson, will be there and will be telling some tales about how his family started 222 years ago The menu will be crafted specifically for beer-pairing by Blair Rasmussen, Executive Chef at the Pan Pacific. Sounds like […]

Happy Birthday Dave


Well, I’m not actually sure if it’s today, but Dave Olsen recently had a birthday. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Dave in the last year or so through Rebecca and John, and he’s an outstanding guy with a real love for the Internet and his friends. Not only is he an amazing podcaster, but if he were about 75 pounds heavier I’m pretty sure he’d be one of the few people to keep up with me at the bar, no doubt about it. In addition, Dave and I have actually been cooking up a little web kung-fu that we’ll be talking about real soon. I was down in San Francisco this weekend, but had I been in town I would have gone camping with Dave and had a few beers. But hopefully Dave and I will get to hang out soon and have a few cold ones. […]

Last Night Gas Station Beer Run, Part II


So, it’s 30 minutes past midnight, and we just got back from another long day at Google. I’m sitting in Scott’s 82 degree fahrenheit hotel room with Derek and twelve beers. Last night we realized that a 14 hour day would be a lot better if we had a few beers to finish it off, so we basically started the midnight-gas-station-beer-run tradition. For those of you who don’t really know what Silicon Valley is like, I’ll give you a little heads up. Most of Silicon Valley is centered around a city south of San Francisco called San Jose (affectionately called “Man Jose” by the locals, since it’s predominantly populated by guys). Unfortunately, there’s not really much to do in the high-tech areas except for work, or drink gas station beer. We’ve done fairly well on both of those activities so far. I spent most of today messing around with the […]

A Kid No More


One of the strange things I find about getting older is the fact that I no longer enjoy the same things I used to. Board games are a good example — I just plain don’t like them these days. I don’t mind sitting around a camp fire and playing asshole for eight hours, but I can’t be bothered with something like monopoly. Another strange change is that I don’t really enjoy drinking or bars that much these days. I had a fairly crazy university life, and somehow (despite being in a dormitory filled with nerds and scholarship recipients) ended up on a floor full of people that liked to party hard. I was a really shy kid when I got to university, but I have fond memories of the five day bender we went on to kick start our second year of university. To be honest, I really have no […]

Weekend Recap


Tonight I met up with the gang to celebrate Amy’s birthday down at Wing’s on Granville Street. We had a few pitchers of beer and demolished somewhere on the order of 16 pounds of wings as a group (I’m now officially “winged out”, so I probably won’t go back there for a while). It was tons of fun, even though I ate that one hot wing that melted my mouth. Afterwards we ended up down at the Bowling Alley on Granville and played a few games. My head was still a tad sore from the night before (the danger of drinking for free at a bar), so my game was a bit off. I took a pile of photos the night before down at Launch Party Vancouver, and will write all about that in a few days. Tomorrow I’ll be taking it easy, and possibly meeting up with Boris and […]

Thank God It's Friday


Ahh yes.. Friday.. So exciting.. This was a really good week. I hung out with friends, got some stuff done in the office, and have a pile of fun things to do this weekend. After work I’m meeting up with Rebecca, Kasia and maybe Keira for some wings and beer. Life’s rough I know. Plus on the way over I want to buy a flash diffuser over at Leo’s Camera on Granville, something that I used at the last wedding I shot and wished I actually owned. Tomorrow there are two parties, one for Rebecca’s birthday and one for Kasia’s. I have to make appearances at both, but I think I can pull it off. And on Sunday is the beach photowalk I’ve been organizing. Should be a great time. I’ll post some links to the photos once they start making their way onto Flickr. I’m also listening to “Starts […]