Entry #49 - Blogathon 2008, Now Finished

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As you can tell, this is my last entry. For the last 24 hours, I have essentially been in front of a computer, blogging about various topics that have interested me, and attempting to bring exposure to the realities that the homeless face in Vancouver. Rebecca and I joined forces this year to support the Union Gospel Mission, an organization in Vancouver that helps the homeless and the less fortunate in this city. First, I want to thank the Union Gospel Mission for nearly 70 years of effort with regards to helping others. By comparison, the little that most of us get to do for charity in our ...

Entry #47: The End Is Near

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This is it folks -- only two more entries to go after this one. I have, for the most part, been awake since yesterday at 9am. I hit a pretty rough patch this afternoon, but thankfully managed to get through it. It's been a really great experience, and it's been a privilege helping bring some awareness to the issues the homeless face in Vancouver. Without a doubt, I'm pretty beat. My supper tonight consisted of peanuts purchased from the little store downstairs. Rebecca and John ordered Greek, but I've had so much caffeine that the thought of food basically repulses me at this point. I just poured ...

Blogathon Vancouver

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Last year my good pal Rebecca stayed up for 24 hours straight and participated in an event called "Blogathon". For a full day, Rebecca did a blog post every 30 minutes, hoping to inspire people and bring visibility to a charity of her choosing. This year I've decided to participate in Blogathon, which this year is sponsored by Miss604.com. I'm going to be supporting the Union Gospel Mission, which ultimately lends help to those less fortunate in Vancouver. Rebecca is also supporting them, so hopefully between the two of us (and possibly a few others) we'll be able to raise some money ...