Buenos Aires Update, Day 37

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Featured Image As the title says, I've been in Buenos Aires now for 37 days. After next week, I will have officially crossed the half-way mark here, at which point I'll be winding down and starting to get in my last sight seeing before leaving. I still have almost seven weeks here though, which is still quite a bit of time. This last week was mostly uneventful, other than a very late night out at the pub last Saturday night. Unlike North America, most people don't even go out on the weekends here until midnight, and often later. I was in a little pub at around 5am and they were still serving drinks to a packed ...

So long Jari and Seppo

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On Friday night a bunch of us from work took Jari and Seppo out for one last night on the town in Vancouver. Since we basically accomplished everything we set out to do this week, we started drinking at around 4pm Friday afternoon at work. From there, we made our way to the Yaletown Brew Pub for dinner and some more drinks. I wasn't really sure what these guys would like to see (apparently at the end of the night it turns out they kind of wanted to see a strip club, affectionately called "The Titty Bar" in Finnish), so I sort of did a mini pub crawl with them. After YBC, we decided to ...