Cloudy Day

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It's cloudy here today, which is a nice change to be honest. While lots of people love summer, I'm not really one of them. Sure, I like sitting on a beach as much as the next person, but I hate being too hot. Fall is probably my favorite season to be honest, since I love walking around with a coffee and taking photos. I'm off to do a few errands and to find a little coffee shop or something to do some work. Last night when I came back home my car smelt kind of burnt, so I'm not sure if I didn't full disengage the e-brake or if something is up. I'll be paying attention to it this time, so hopefully ...

Vacation Entry 9 - Cloudy Day

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Thankfully the clouds are overhead today, because yesterday was absolutely insanely hot. So hot in fact, that most people didn't even hang out by the pool bar. I'm pretty much all pooled out I think, so I'm going to find something else to do today. I'll probably walk down to the Plaza and book an excursion or two. They have an all-day catamaran trip to a remote island (with an open bar I might add) that sounds fairly appealing, as well as a safari trip to a waterfall you can swim in. Talking to people around here, it sounds like nearly everyone has had a lackluster summer back home, so don't ...