Last night, Rebecca and Trevor told me about the sex show this weekend taking place at the Vancouver Convention Center. Since I've never been to one, and haven't had an opportunity to take my camera out in a few weeks, I decided to head down and check it out.
Live Entertainment
In terms of layout and logistics, it was like any other tech conference I had ever been at. There were tons of booths, some of which made sense given the aim of the sex show, and some which obviously shouldn't have been there. One that comes to mind is Sun Life Financial in the back corner. Seriously, do you really expect ...
Well, that's it folks -- 2007 is basically all over. For me, it was undoubtedly one of the hardest years in my life. I have usually always been able to find the good in things that sometimes turn out bad, but this last year is one that for the most part I am happy to leave behind.
That being said, I have lots of good memories from this last year. Rob's wedding. Massey Hall show in Toronto. Crazy halloween eyeball smashing party. Las Vegas. The Dominican Republic. Drunk Camp. Finland. New friends. Old friends.
Tomorrow night I'll be bouncing around Toronto, and for the first time in quite a few ...
I read a few articles last night on what 2008 holds in terms of new movies. Most of the list was fairly yawn-inducing for me (even though they author was clearly excited about them), but a few stood out. The movie 21, for example, about six MIT students who battled Vegas, seems fairly cool, even though I'm sure they've completed deviated from the real story.
21 trailer
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Check it out. Also on the list was the new Star Trek movie, which is essentially a prequel for the original series. To be honest, I have a hard time thinking that one is really going to fly. I'll be down there ...